Why Does the Oilfield Need CPR Training?

  EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS CPR training, and first aid availability in general is part of being prepared in the case of a workplace illness or injury. One misconception that many of our students routinely work through is the difference between first aid and CPR...

South Texas H2S Injection Hazards

Injection wells are not always thought of as H2S sources, but it should be mentioned during San Antonio H2S training that injectors are possible sources of hydrogen sulfide. Most injectors in South Texas will be classified as disposal wells, however, workers in other...

What are Frac Hits?

(Referred from What are Frack Hits) Frac Hit: Cross-well communication initiated while pumping a hydraulic fracturing treatment. Click here to take FRAC-BASIC an online introduction to hydraulic fracturing. While pumping a frac job, an offset well may become charged...

Wind Awareness for H2S Safety

  Click Here for Free Online H2S Training at WWW.Oilfield.Training In South Texas, wind can be an actual weather hazard when it becomes intense enough, as we have written in an earlier post. On wellsites with active H2S, the released H2S will be pushed around by...

Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring

San Antonio: Bump test your H2S monitor here. In order to keep track of hydrogen sulfide concentrations and protect workers, a combination of different types of H2S monitoring processes are used. Alarms will have a visual and audible component to notify workers. Fixed...