Making New Hires Safer with Safeland Training

  ON THE JOB TRAINING In the days before SafeLand, the South Texas oil and gas industry would have to pull untrained workers directly from San Antonio and other South Texas cities and send them directly to the rigsite. If the company did not have a RigPass or PEC...

SafeLand Training Documentation

SAFETY FIRST The primary goal of SafeLand, or any other safety training program, should be to keep people and the environment protected. In order for workers to mitigate hazards at the worksite they must first be knowledgeable about those hazards and how to deal with...

Is your H2S program TXRRC Rule 36 Compliant?

5 H2S Facts to Check Plus: one bonus API compliance measure for your San Antonio H2S program. Hydrogen sulfide is well known as one of the most harmful natural chemicals associated with oil and gas production. Governmental and industry groups such as OSHA, ANSI, and...